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signs your water heater is going out


5 Telltale Signs Your Hot Water Heater Is Going Out


signs your water heater is going out

How often do you think about your hot water heater? If you’re like many people, the appliance doesn’t spend a whole lot of time at the front of your mind. But an old or failing water heater may mean more than ice cold showers; you may end up with leaks or even an explosion. So when you do think of your water heater, make it count. Pay attention so that you can service your heater when it needs help and replace it when it can’t go on.

5 Signs Your Water Heater Is Going Out

So how can you tell? Is it time to replace that old water heater, or does it still have a few good years left? Be on the lookout for these signs:

  • Age – Chances are you’re not gathering around your water heater every year to sing it happy birthday. Regardless, make sure to stay mindful of the age of your appliance. No water heater can keep going forever, and most of them need replacing after ten years. By paying attention to the age of your water heater, you’ll be better prepared to replace your appliance when the time comes.
  • Puddles – It might seem self-explanatory, but part of a water heater’s job is to keep the water inside the tank and the pipes. If you start to see water gathering on the floor, it is a pretty sure sign that your water heater is not doing its job. A leaking water heater should be replaced, but be sure to look into the problem before wrongly placing the blame. For example, check the surrounding pipes for leaks.
  • Noise, noise, noise! – Has there been a lot of noise coming from your utility closet lately? If you aren’t harboring any angry ghosts, then that rumbling, clanking, and banging are signs of your water heater’s age. Over time, sediment builds up and hardens inside a water tank, causing the noise that’s keeping you up at night.
  • Rusty water – Does the water in your shower or sink look dirty or rusty? If so, it’s possible that the inside of your water heater is rusting, which means that leaks are on their way. But again, be careful of jumping to conclusions. It’s possible that your pipes are the real culprits. Before replacing your water heater, try draining some water from the tank. Does it still look rusty after a few buckets have been drained? Then it’s probably the heater at fault.
  • It’s not working like it used to – Do you feel like every shower you take is getting colder? Do you have to turn the temperature knob higher every day to get the same amount of heat? Chances are your old water heater is working hard to try to keep up with your demands, but it’s just not as young as it used to be. Remember to check the temperature settings on your existing appliance before purchasing a new one.

What can you do about it?

Sometimes it can be hard to know if it’s time to part ways or is time to give your heater a little extra love. If you are having water heater troubles, it’s time to call in the experts. With a no-cost Mass Save home energy audit, an energy adviser will perform an in-depth inspection of your home. They’ll assess everything from leaky windows to water heater woes, and can help you troubleshoot along the way.

If it is time to send your water heater to the big utility closet in the sky, Wattson Home Solutions can help with that too. Replacing a heater can be expensive; don’t let the process drain your wallet! Post-assessment, Wattson Home Solutions can help you apply for Mass Save rebates to help you reduce the out-of-pocket cost of a new hot water heater. Don’t put it off any longer. Request your home energy assessment from Wattson Home Solutions, and kick start your spring savings today.

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